

I am not a blogger, neither a programmer nor a knowledgeable person with respect to programming. However, that should not deter me from expressing my opinions. I can safely write out my mind here and that should be fine. So, here I am again, attempting to restart the habit of blogging.

What will I be writing in this blog? I will be expressing anything that comes to my mind related to two topics in general : coding, design and reading books. Reading books have been something that has saved me from a lot of depressing moments and this time I intend to stick with it. Coding, because, machines are the only ones who usually go bad and can be, to a certain extent, fixed. I like that about a machine. I have always liked robots, machines, chips which would listen to me. Kind of like Ex Machina vibes. So, all in all - for learning coding as well one has to read a lot of material, so that portion is also there.

However, while I am programming/writing code, a lot of thoughts come to me and it would be better if I can have a digital diary of the same. This blog should serve as the same about the issues that I face whether it is related to programming, design as well as with respect to books.


The organisation of the posts would contain a simple trick - if the post is about reading, the title shall contain [Reading] and if it is related to programming, it shall contain [Programming] in the title. This should make it easy for me to understand which post is related to which topic and what I can expect out of it.

With that being said, I think it is time for me to call it a day and think about the next topic that I can write about.

Written on April 20, 2023